My Corner of the Internet: A Space for Connection and Vulnerability

A bird whose head is in the shadows and its body illuminated by light.

In an attempt to take my journaling to the next level, I decided to take space here in my corner of the internet. It feels a bit strange, this public display of thoughts and feelings (considering I rarely talked to anyone outside of my own circle), but there's something exciting about it too. Maybe it's the potential for connection, the chance to share my stories and hear others in return.

This desire to be heard, to connect, it's something deeply human. How often do we truly feel heard? In a world of quick conversations, meaningless shoulder-length social media interactions, and fleeting attention spans, it's easy to feel lost in the noise. It’s pretty weird how in a world where we are easily connected, we are also ever so distant. We edit ourselves, condense our experiences into soundbites, photo collages, five-word summaries—afraid to take up too much space.

But our stories deserve space. They deserve to be unfolded, explored, and shared without fear of judgment. Every life is a tapestry woven with unique threads of joy, sorrow, love, and loss. These stories, in all their messy glory, are what make us who we are.

This blog is my attempt to embrace the messiness, to give myself permission to tell my story in many forms, and hopefully, to encourage others to do the same. It's a space for reflection, for vulnerability, and for connection.

So, welcome to my corner of the internet. I hope you'll stay a while, share your own stories, and remember that you, and your story, matter.

Do you feel like you have space to tell your story?


The Shy Girl's Guide to (Maybe) Not Being So Shy Anymore